- BBQ at the boat house
- Having a good time
- Ulf Håkansson and Nicke Enhörning
- A great BN2 and a great BJ8
- An ermine amongst the cats
- Great cars
- Sören Olaussons magnificient low mileage tri carb
- Thomas Nordbergs BN7 and Mats Svanbergs BT7
- Lars and Eva-Lena Bustrens BJ8
- Lars BJ8 with 278° cam and three HD8´s
- Rally start in Hindås
- BJ8
- Beautiful BN7 at the start of the Rally
- BN7
- Off they go
- Mr and Mrs Aggeryd
- Aggeryd junior
- Mr and Mrs Bustren
- Göran Utter and wife
- Lasse Engvall in a real good car
- Bosse Johansson and wife
- Börje Engvall in his beautiful Sprite
- Torsten Jönssons BJ8 and Bengt Larssons BT7
- An unknown but very handsome British visitor
- Gunnar Berger and Claes Aggestig in BT7 with triple Webers
- Sigge Hammarnäs and wife
- Hedareds stave church. The only one remaining in Sweden
- Interior of Hedared stave church
- Disaster struck for Johan Aggeryd, with a broken pinion
- Changing the pumpkin at BMC workshop
- The day is saved for Johan. He takes off in the pouring rain.