A meeting very well organised by Lena and Göran Utter. The meeting was held at Bergabo Hotel & Konferens, which is beautifully located at Rönnäng in the island of Tjörn on the Swedish west coast. We were treated with the most delicious food and brews.

- Joe Jarick speaking about his 100 S and about the Bonneville Record Breakers. A very appreciated appearance
- Florida Green and newly restored
- Sören Olausson´s low mileage BT7 tricarb
- A visitor all the way from Japan
- Anders Fredén
- Per Schoerner
- Sigge och Lena Hammarnäs
- Lars Hellsten and Ann-Kristin Olausson
- Bosse Johansson and wife Karin
- An ever smiling Börje Engwall with his wife
- The weather changed into being suitable for open top motoring
- A black beauty!
- Another hopefully very satisfied customer of BMC!
- A hopefully satisfied customer of BMC!
- A bunch of great Healeys!
- Leaving for Rönnäng
- A wild and crazy guy!
- Fishermen huts at Gullholmen
- Ulrich, Sonja and Per
- All the beautiful people. Lars och Jenny
- The living room is untouched since the late 19th century
- An old shipping family´s house turned int o a museum
- A fishing village located in the archipelago of Bohuslän
- Turn of the century house
- Gullholmen
- The ferry to the island of Gullholmen
- Some people insists on not driving a Healey to the Healey Club Meeting
- Kerstin & Lasse Engwall´s pretty BN2 in it´s original Florida Green Livery
- Claes Arleskärs Works Rally Replica
- The parking at Tuvesvik